To see so much talent gathered around such a weak script,Titanium Pipe is made by cold rolling process from extruded pipe blanks. They are widely used in heat exchangers and off-shore equipment.For mains, there is a choice of Wild Rice’s ‘Chinese Fish ‘n Chips’ (beer-battered ling cod, Asian Tartar Sauce, taro shoestring frites) or its ‘meaty’ Grilled king oyster mushroom (with cashew ricotta and polenta fries). as in "The Big Wedding," is to wonder whether movie stars are desperate to work — or if they really just enjoy hanging out together so much that they don't care what they're doing.
There are four Academy Award winners in this film — Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Susan Sarandon and Robin Williams — plus Katherine Heigl and Amanda Seyfried. Entire films have been built around each one of those people, and yet here they all are, trying to hold up a big tent with holes in it. And they almost succeed, in that "The Big Wedding" is at no point painful to watch.
Yet neither is it a comedy that ever fully delivers or even comes close. Writer-director Justin Zackman either doesn't understand the game he's in or doesn't understand the rules of the game, because he creates a farce and then tries to go for sentiment. He ends up with a botched, compromised film that either needed to be more real and less nasty or — even better — more nasty and less real.
Farces are precise, mechanical structures. The characters are types, each one usually governed by one particular obsession, and the task of the writer is to set up a situation in which they all collide in hysterical and catastrophic ways. In "The Big Wedding," Ben Barnes and Seyfried are a young couple about to be married. De Niro is the boy's adoptive father, Sarandon is his girlfriend,The Spectrophotometer is an instrument which measures the amount of light of a specificed wavelength which passes through a medium. and Diane Keaton is his ex-wife and the mother of his grown children.
So. Something funny has to happen, right? Something has to be built here. So Zackman comes up with this: Barnes, as Alejandro, was adopted from Colombia, and his birth mother is coming to the wedding. As he has never told his very traditional birth mother that his adoptive parents are divorced, he asks mom (Keaton) and dad (De Niro) to pretend they're still married. This means that his father's girlfriend (Sarandon) has to leave or pretend to be someone else.
Two problems with this, one tiny,He has since undergone two-and-a-half hours’ surgery to have a Titanium Rod inserted into his leg and looks set to be out of action for the rest of the season. one huge. The tiny one is that it doesn't make any sense that Alejandro would bring this up now. If his birth mother is coming to the wedding, he has known this for weeks, so any urgency here is false. But put that one aside. The huge problem is more mechanical in nature: Zackman has set up a situation that, if it goes the other way, it really doesn't matter, anyway. If the birth mother finds out, who cares? There are small consequences, nothing to be feared, and therefore little or no comic possibility. Moreover, the consequences for the people who will have to act out the deception — mom, dad and the girlfriend — are nonexistent.
Here's just one more example of bad comic mechanics: Topher Grace plays one of De Niro and Keaton's sons, a young doctor who is 29 and a virgin. Why is he a virgin? Is he lousy with girls? No. Is he practicing a religion? No.profile projector is a shop tool used by designers and quality control technicians to view the profile of small machined parts as magnified image on screen. Does he have a strong conviction about chastity? No. All three of those choices had comic possibilities, but Zackman eschews them and makes the young man ambivalent about his virginity. Ambivalence isn't funny. Then he throws into the mix a beautiful Colombian woman who meets the young man and wants to have sex with him immediately. But if he is ambivalent and willing, and she is willing ... where is the comic tension? There is none, just imprecision in the mechanism.
Of course, there is only one thing to do when you set up a comic machine that doesn't fire — and that's to go sentimental. But if everybody is behaving like a stock comic type, that's not going to work, either. And that's pretty much the misfire we get in "The Big Wedding" — but elevated to the point of watchability by the presence of some familiar actors.
The one exception to all this is Katherine Heigl as De Niro and Keaton's daughter.High Security payphone lock Solutions provide revenue protection, key control, physical security, and environmental protection. Her storyline isn't comical, but rather about her difficult marriage and her tortured relationship with her father. She doesn't exactly belong in this silly movie, but her scenes with De Niro, more dramatic than comic, are the strongest in the picture.
- Apr 25 Thu 2013 15:04
The big cast in 'Big Wedding' never fully delivers