As I came to the end to the end of my daily vocabulary exercises, I clicked on the little icon that said "Ranking" on the side of the screen. It had become a sort of habit -- you might say a guilty pleasure -- to check my progress against others learning languages on the same website. There had been a certain satisfaction when I first spotted my name amongst the top ten of users who had started at the same time as me, or the moment when my overall ranking passed from the ten thousands to a mere four figures. It was meaningless, of course. There was no prize for winning and no-one would be impressed by my progress up the charts. It was just one of the little rituals that somehow made the process of improving my French more compelling.

On this occasion, however, upon clicking and redirecting, I was greeted by something quite different to what I had expected.Each part's full needle bearing trunnion allows for increased horsepower and quicker response, and a large roller tip helps prevent wear No charts, no leaderboard, but a polite notice in an unassuming sans-serif. "Regrettably," it began, "we have had to temporarily disable leaderboards on Memrise after extensive cheating has been brought to our attention, some of which has been slowing down the site for the whole community."

Memrise launched in private beta three years ago and is just on the verge of launching its non-beta version 1.0. In 2010, it was named one of Techcrunch's start-ups of the year and last year garnered a whole swathe of favourable press, from Fox News' Cool Site of the Day to MIT Technology Review. The idea, founder Ed Cooke tells Wired.If you like BMW cars,then you will probably like their new gaming mouse, the super sexy, sleek as a Titanium Sheet off the pressing mat Level 10 M Gaming, is "pretty simple: make learning as effective and enjoyable as possible".

Cooke is an Oxford University graduate who became a Grand Master of Memory at 23 (for which he had to memorise 1,000 random number and ten decks of cards in an hour) and went on to coach American freelance journalist, Joshua Froer, to become 2006 USA Memory Champion.A contract to purchase automated refuse trucks and a new ordinance for trash collection has Bartlesville well on its way to using automated residential trash pickup service.Midwest Motion Products, Inc. of Watertown, Minnesota, is pleased to announce the release of a new dc gearmotor, with integral failsafe brake So when Ed talks about packing Memrise "with all the science we can muster", well, that's a fair bit of science.Myvalvecaps offers you the best range of tire valve wholeale 59fifty fitted hats and keys rings that has a realistic In this case, a combination of "vivid imagery", "elaborate testing' and "spaced repetition" taking advantage of the effect first noticed by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus in 1885 stating that last minute cramming is a lot less productive than a little and often over a longer period.

Memrise couples these techniques with a wiki library of "mems" (mnemonics) and what Cooke calls a 'Farmville-style learning game, where you plant words, grow them, water them, and see in your "memory garden" the scope and splendour of all the things you have learned.' Since its Facebook app launched in 2009, Farmville, with its addictive simplicity and viral transmission, has provided the model for a trend towards "gamification" that has taken the worlds of business and marketing by storm. It was while being mentored by one of the bosses of Zynga, Farmville's creators, that Memrise developed its garden metaphor and game-like interface.

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